Thursday, June 6, 2019

50 First Dates Essay Example for Free

50 First Dates EssayThe painting 50 First Dates is a romantic comedy film directed by Peter Segal. The video is a notion of a day that keeps repeating itself. However, in this movie the recycling takes place entirely inside the mind of Lucy Whitmore contend by Drew Barrymore. Barrymore plays a young woman who was in an accident that caused her to suffer from Goldfield Syndrome, a fictional form of anterograde amnesia in which separately days events disappear from her memory overnight. This is caused by damage to the hippocampus, inside the temporal lobe, as the hippocampus controls memory functions. Furthermore,she overly innocently believes every day to be the natal day of her father which happens to be the day of the accident. In order to shield her from the pain of repeatedly learning about the accident, Marlin and Lucys brother, re-enact the activities of Marlins birthday every day. The character Oola is a friend of Sandler, whom helps come up with clever ideas to help L ucy fall in love with Henry everyday. Oola is affecting his neurotransmitters by the day by day use of marijuana. Marijuana works as an agonist, in this movie.Adam Sandler, a womanizing marine life veterinian whom cares for animals in an aquatic amusement park has too many sexual conquests until he realizes that he is falling in love with Lucy. Sandler, sheds his philandering ways and devises new ways to meet her again every day, hoping that ace day she pass on retain her memories and feelings for him. He eventually convinces Marlin that hiding the truth from Lucy is worse than explaining it to her each day, so they begin to leave video tapes for her to watch each morning, explaining her situation and her family relationship with Henry.Lucy also writes notes to herself in a diary. Over time, she begins to reciprocate Henrys feelings, even accepting his marriage proposal. Lucy is surrounded by a great repugn of support and love throughout her dilemma. Lucy also receives deceptio n from her brother and father and the basically the whole town because they protect her from knowing the truth. Personal Reflection The results of this movie provide evidence that people suffer with anterograde amnesia which chiffonier effectively evaluate aspects of their quality of life and that the quality of communication life style.This movie also provides evidence that people with Amnesia also refers to an inability to recall information that is stored in memory. The causes of amnesia may be organic or functional. constitutional causes may include brain damage through injury, or the use of specific drugs but usually sedative drugs. Amnesia may be one of the symptoms of some degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimers disease. Functional causes are psychological factors, such as defense mechanisms.People with amnesia also find it hard to imagine the future, because our constructions of future scenarios are closely linked to our recollections of past experiences. Researche rs from Washington University in St. Louis used advanced brain imaging techniques to verbalise that remembering the past and envisioning the future may go hand in hand with each process sparking strikingly similar patterns of activity deep down precisely the same broad network of brain regions. Fortunately, in the majority of cases amnesia resolves itself without treatment.However, if an underlying physical or mental disorder is present, it should be treated. psychotherapy may sometimes be effective for some patients. Hypnosis can be an effective way of recalling memories that have been forgotten. Family support is crucial in helping a patient with amnesia get better. Psychologists and psychiatrists say that reality orientation aids may help to nudge patients back into their environment if they are surrounded with beaten(prenominal) objects, photographs, smells, and sounds. Personal ImplicationsIn 50 First dates, it was designed to tell the story of Lucy a woman whom suffers from a severe memory loss and can not remembered anything that is happening but remembers the past. Goldfields syndrome is a fictive name for a specific form of Anterograde amnesia used in the romantic comedy. The chequer causes Lucy to lose of all her memories of the day, save the memories prior to the accident, due to that she is unable to convert her short-term memories to her long-term memories during her sleep.This results in her waking up every day believe it is the day of the accident, October 13, 2002. So, while the name is fiction, it is based upon a real condition. The neurological condition that Lucy suffers from, Goldfield Syndrome, is entirely fictional. True anterograde amnesia affects either short-term memory, which can last minutes or seconds, or intermediate-term memory, which can last days or weeks. Although, falling asleep has nothing to do with the condition, and sleep actually intensifies many chemical effects which help memory.

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