Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Music Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Music Therapy - Essay ExampleListening to music positively affect thoughts, behaviors and feelings of individuals (Lindquist et al101). Listening to the rhythm of music stimulates the body by enhancing the pulse rate and respiration pattern as well. Dancing to the tune of music can help in relaxing ones muscles, energizing and to some finis influencing individuals in personal ways. Music is not only tack togetherive in enhancing healing on the listeners, but also help in boosting the confidence and self-assertion of the writers since they express their thoughts and feelings when composing music. Different body parts resonate to different pitches and sounds. Some types of music can also affect the human soul and essence powerfully based on their messages and rhythm as well.Music, being a worldwide therapy both in making and in listening, is critical in the ghostlike life. The majority of the traditions of religions use music to enhance the mood for worship, prayer, joyful or reve rence celebrations. Listening in watching TV brings about thrilling effect for instance having a great feeling of anticipation of watching next episodes in cinemas because of the preceding songs in a film (Lindquist et al105). This thrilling effect helps in boosting mood feeling in individuals. Studies show that playing some songs helps in increasing the intelligence quotient. Similarly, it has been established that children who study musical instruments are always to a greater extent quick at problem-solving skills and spatial awareness development. Listening is also important in regulating feeding habits. A research study indicated that in fill restaurants, fast music makes people eat fast hence leaving spaces in the restaurant tables (Lindquist et al104). Music, other than making the mind relax, has played a of import role in the psychiatric institutions. It has shown effectiveness in the fastening of recovery to the patients suffering from mental disorders, for instance, the p ost-traumatic stress disorders.Coordination

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