Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Leading Global Workforce Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leading Global Workforce - Assignment ExampleThe paper tells that world-wide mobility of people in regards to economics refers to the movement of the right employees across the international boundaries to the right jobs. This is a trend that is becoming an essential tool for many multinational organizations. There is a critical need for efficiency and speed in operations as multinational companies are always exploring new markets. Globalization has whence change magnitude competition for new markets and the shortage of talents and manpower has pushed global mobility of workforce to be a priority for many global companies. This mobility of talents from one international rebound to the other is very important to global companies as the rapid growth of cross-border activities implies many multinational companies will become increasingly active in in-bound assignees and assignments inwardly a particular region. Global mobility of people helps the companies because they can hire wor kforce from any region provided that they the capacity for the jobs. On the other hand, global mobility of jobs refers to the ability of a job to be available in more than one international geographical location. Multinational companies utilize this feature by capturing markets across the globe equal to the original jobs offered in the country of origin. Global mobility of jobs is essential to the global companies especially in regards to expansion due to new market acquisitions or due to increased demand in other geographical areas as setting up of the identical line of jobs is easier than setting up a whole new business.

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